The 2014 International Roundtable on Automotive Recycling (IRT) was presented with a global overview of current developments in relation to automotive recycling through individual country presentations that addressed key issues facing the industry, including Environmental Standards and Best Practice, Public Awareness, Government Policies, Manufacturer Policies, Industry
Stewardship, Education and Training, and Research and Information Sharing.
Following consideration of all the presentations and contributions from participating countries, the members of the 8th International Roundtable on Automotive Recycling declared as follows:

The IRT noted the significant progress being made in “regulated” jurisdictions towards the achievement of a target of 95% recyclability for End-of-Life motor vehicles (ELVs).

The IRT acknowledged also the positive outcomes being achieved in a number of less regulated jurisdictions where increased awareness of the environmental risks posed by ELVs is being achieved at community, government and manufacturer levels.

The IRT recognised the importance of member associations sharing information and experience in regard to policies and practices that are producing positive outcomes in each jurisdiction.

IRT members declared their commitment to the continued development of resources and facilities that promote and encourage such information sharing, including through the implementation of Mutual Cooperation Agreements between members where appropriate.

The IRT recognised the importance of creating greater awareness amongst consumers and industry partners (such as insurers, mechanical and crash repairers) of the significant environmental and economic benefits that flow from the use of quality recycled automotive parts.

The IRT recognised that an increasing number of environmentally focused public awareness campaigns are being undertaken by member associations.

IRT members declared their commitment to sharing resources and information that will advance the global spread of such programs and that will assist in evidencing the positive impact in terms of greenhouse gas reductions and other environmental benefits that flow from the increased use of recycled automotive parts.

The IRT recognised that governments globally are increasingly concerned about the environmental impact of end-of-life waste products across a range of industries.

As awareness is increasing of environmental risks posed by unregulated and inappropriate handling of waste materials contained in ELVs, governments across the globe are seeking measures to address these risks that are consistent with their own economic and cultural circumstances.

IRT members noted that a common factor in all jurisdictions where success is being achieved in the environmental management of ELVs was the commitment of governments to ensuring, whether by direct regulation or other means, that a comprehensive network of Authorised Treatment Facilities (ATFs) was in place through which the government and community could have confidence that motor vehicle waste products are being properly managed.

IRT members declared their commitment to providing resources, information and advice where appropriate on measures that may assist member associations in working with their respective governments in the pursuit of improved environmental outcomes for their community.

The IRT recognised the importance of recyclers and manufacturers cooperating in the achievement of shared environmental goals.

The IRT recognised the significant role that vehicle manufacturers can play in supporting and promoting responsible environmental management of products they have manufactured at the end of their useable life. The IRT also recognizes that auto recyclers can and should provide advice and input to manufacturers as they strive to reach their environmental objectives.

The IRT noted that many major global manufacturers have positive end-of-life policies in some jurisdictions within which they operate, but less positive or no policies in other jurisdictions. The IRT expressed the hope that manufacturers will strive to achieve the best environmental outcomes possible in each jurisdiction in which they operate.

In particular, the IRT noted that in some jurisdictions, vehicle manufacturers have recognised the significant public safety and environmental benefits that flow from making OEM Part Number information available to the auto recycler community.

Whilst recognising that manufacturer policies are influenced by the regulatory environment in each country, given the global nature of vehicle manufacturing and marketing, IRT members declared their commitment to continued efforts to encourage the adoption of “best practice”, public safety and environmental policies by all manufacturers on a global basis.

The IRT noted the significant benefits that can flow from auto recycler industry associations playing a leadership role in promoting industry stewardship. As the industry with the most robust information and experience relating to effective, safe and sustainable depollution, dismantling and recycling of all vehicles, auto recyclers have a wealth of information that governments, manufacturers and other stakeholders must utilize.

IRT members declared their commitment to share information and resources that will assist all jurisdictions in making progress in implementing appropriate industry accreditation standards, such as to give governments, manufacturers and the community confidence in the professionalism of the automotive recycling industry in their country.

The IRT noted the significant changes occurring in the technology of vehicles being handled by auto recyclers both for the purpose of recovery of parts for re-use and for the purpose of depollution and resource recovery.

The IRT considered the growing importance of education and training of personnel involved in the industry and noted developments reported to the Forum in regard to the agreement between Japan and China to facilitate translation of the JARA training guide into Chinese and in regard to increased interest by a number of associations in accessing the ARA University training programs.

The IRT noted also the importance of such training in ensuring the health and safety of persons employed in the auto recycling industry.

IRT members declared their commitment to promoting improved education and training within the auto recycler community in each country, and to sharing such resources as are appropriate to assist members improve the skill base for their industry.

The IRT noted significant developments occurring in Universities and Research Institutes in many parts of the world in terms of research being carried out relating to the environmental management of ELVs, the lifecycle benefits of auto parts reuse, and the recyclability of automotive shredder residue (ASR).

IRT members noted the positive role they can play in engaging with Universities in their own jurisdiction and declared their commitment to working with and supporting such research establishments (including disseminating and promoting the outcomes of their research) to the greatest possible extent.

October 2014

IRT Quebec

IRT webinar

13th of February 2025

12:00 (NOON) GMT

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